General Medicine

Internal Medicine or General Medicine is the medical specialty that deals with the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of adult diseases. It is the branch that forms the basis of all other specialties and super specialties. Getwell Multispeciality Hospital is the best hospital in Manchar, Pune with a specialist with the best diabetologist in Manchar. Our General Physicians are recognized experts in the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of acute & chronic diseases; and they handle a comprehensive range of illnesses that affect adults. Shalby has a strong, well-experienced team of Internal Medicine. They follow a patient-centric approach to diseases and bond a long-lasting relationship with the patients in their health journey.

Dr. Mohan Sali and the team provide you comprehensive and personalized primary health care. They are supported by qualified nurses and a fully equipped medical treatment room. Diagnostic services and pharmacy are available under the same roof to speed up the treatment process. The department of internal medicine is backed up by state-of-the-art Medical ICU to manage any medical emergency.

Treatments and Procedures
  • Management of lifestyle diseases like hypertension, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases
  • Treatment of acute and chronic illnesses like digestive disorders asthma, pneumonia, and other lung disorders.
  • Treatment of communicable diseases like tuberculosis, typhoid, and gastroenteritis
  • Common ailments like sore throat, cold and flu, headaches, ear infections, urinary tract infections, allergies, and hepatitis
  • Medical management of chronic diseases like obesity, metabolic syndrome, lipid disorders
  • Medical management of geriatric (care of elderly) patients
  • Disease risk assessment, investigations, and management
  • Health checks for adults, including high-risk groups like diabetics
  • Pre-operative assessment and management of patients undergoing surgery
In House Supported Services Available
  • Digital X-Ray
  • Digital X-ray
  • Mammography
Why Choose Getwell Multispeciality Hospital?
  • Diagnostic Services like the 2D Echo test, stress test, Diabetes Test all are available under one roof

    • 24 Hours Pharmacy
    • Emergency services
    • Patient-centric Approach
    • Patient-friendly environment
    • Medical Experts like diabetologists, physicians, and surgeons are available.

Connect with Getwell Multispeciality Hospital Manchar

Getwell Multispeciality Hospital provides the best treatment for various diseases in Manchar, Pune. For more information about our comprehensive treatment options, or to request an appointment with the best Hospital in Manchar call  +91 96232 33030 or Click on Book Appointment for online booking with Us.